As this is neither a blog, nor a commercial, but a purely private internet site aimed at education, and I do not have any intention to make money with this site, it is legally not necessary to have an "About page" ("Mentions légales", "Impressum").
Further information on this legal situation can be found here:
(1) for France (see under "Les mentions légales pour les sites n’agissant pas à titre professionnel") :
(2) for Germany (see under "Impressum auch für private Webseiten"?):;
(3) for other German speaking countries in Europe, the legal situation is similar (see under "Is an Impressum legally required"?):
I do not use cookies either (other than those possibly used by Jimdo, the provider of this Internet site).
You may however find some information about me on the "Copyright / Contact" page above.
[Latest update of this site: 10/03/2024]
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